Bornfield Brothers Halloween Collaboration for Occasional Symphony – Premiere 10/31/2020 7:30pm

I got involved with a very exciting project with my brother Josh for Occasional Symphony’s annual Halloween concert. This year the event is online, so Josh called me to help add composition and boost production value. Josh initially recorded a choral piece, guitar ostinato, and a few random sound effects which I got to shape into the mold of the early film “Devil In a Convent”.

Here is the final piece with a short interview. Enjoy!

Event Page:

See a bit of my process of incorporating synth sounds to Josh’s vocal tracks in the video.

Adding synth to Josh’s vocal tracks.

Member of Manhattan Producers Alliance, BMI Composer, Delian Society, and contributing editor at Hit Songs Deconstructed. Past performances at venues such as Lincoln Center, National Theater Taipei, Tenri Cultural Institute, International Electro-Acoustic Festival, Galapagos Art Space, SVA Theater, etc. M.A. in Music Composition from CUNY Hunter College, 2009.

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